Monday, January 27, 2014

#2 Divorce Causes

Divorce has been on the uprise in the United States for the past few years. Modern times have changed the meaning of marriage, making divorce more common and less frowned upon. Studies pulled together 5 main causes of divorce. Click here for the link!

Cheating was the most common cause of divorce in modern society. Dishonesty, addictions, abuse, and major change in society were the following causes. There are also numerous other contributors, especially when children are brought into the relationship or if there is a change in the relationship dynamic. Many times, infidelity and abuse are seen when children are involved. Studies show that infidelity is more common when the couple has children. 

Of course, there are many causes to be added to the list, but those were just a few that were popular among the others. 

Stay tuned!! 

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